Thursday, April 25, 2013

- "Music's Not My Forte" - An Original Song by 4@4

What is This?

Hello! You are probably wondering what Not Your Forte is. Well, besides a bad musical pun, it is a blog focused on being a music major. It is about all the times when I think music is just “not my forte” and will cover all the ups and downs of my time as a struggling college musician. Here is a journey of my sorrows, successes, good times, and bad times that you can now share in. Maybe you can gain some knowledge and pointers from this blog and my own successes or failures.

To begin with, I am a clarinet player in attendance at Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. I’m originally from another small town in northern Arkansas. I was not raised in a musical household as neither of my parents play instruments, but at some point in the 6th grade I saw a video of Artie Shaw, and decided I needed to play the clarinet. I also played the guitar at that time. I went through high-school, became serious about music, acted as a drum major, and decided to go into the field of music education. If I can get through this bachelor degree, I would like to go on to earn a masters and doctoral degree and teach clarinet at a college level.

Why education, you ask? Simply, I want to inspire others in the same way that my music teachers inspired me. Music is universal and has the deepest power to inspire and bring people together. Music made me who I am today, and music can be an outlet for many students. I want to be that person that shows a student just what music has to offer them. I want to show them the joy that music can bring to one’s life. Through their successes, I will find my own.

Besides education, I am also passionate about service. I belong to the National Honorary Band Sorority, Tau Beta Sigma. I am also a member of Gamma Beta Phi, Kappa Delta Pi, Alpha Chi, and Student Arkansas Education Association. I also like reading, hanging out with my friends, trying to play the violin, enjoying nature, meditating, anything French, and of course blogging. Happy reading! 

For your amusement, here are some of my favorite sites that also are about being a music major. (This is unfortunately how I spend some of the time I should be practicing.)

Me and a Brother

1 comment:

  1. I know music majoring is hard! Keep up the great work!
